Fried Bolovo Recipe

Who still doesn't know what bolovo is? And how to prepare this delicacy? At Specialfood we explain step by step! It is a very popular snack in Brazilian pubs, prepared with ground beef and boiled egg. This snack has become very popular due to the fact that it is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Don't waste any more time and learn the recipe for fried bolovo now!

Ingredients for making Fried Bolovo:

 500 grams of ground beef

 1 cup of breadcrumbs

 1 unit of beaten egg

 10 units of whole egg

 1 tablespoon of wheat flour

 1 tablespoon of olive oil

 ½ cup of chopped green scent

 2 garlic cloves

 1 medium onion unit

 Black pepper


 frying oil

How to make fried Bolovo:

To make this bolovo recipe, the first step is to cook the whole eggs in a pan of half water, over medium heat, for 10 minutes.

While the eggs cook, season the minced meat with finely chopped onion and garlic, salt, pepper and green scent. Also add the wheat flour and oil, and knead until you get a compact dough.

When the egg whites cooked, retire, place in ice water for 1-2 minutes and peel. Make 10 balls with the meat dough, flatten them between your palms, place an egg in the center and close tightly wrapped.

Tip: So that the meat does not stick to your hands, sprinkle them with a little flour.

Pass the bolovos through the beaten egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Place frying in hot oil until golden and set aside on a plate with absorbent paper. They're ready, bon appetit!

If you liked the fried Bolovo recipe, we suggest you enter our Fried Snack Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the ceviche recipe with tiger milk recipe/ lomo saltado recipe/ peruvian alfajores recipe/ peruvian ceviche recipe.


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