Homemade Mocotó Candy Recipe
The mocotó candy is one of those childish treats that divide the people: there are those who love it and there are those who hate it! If you belong to the first group and don't lose this sweet tooth for anything, learn with Specialfood how to prepare the homemade version! Check out the homemade mocotó candy recipe below and try it.
Ingredients for making Homemade Mocotó Candy:
1 unit of bovine mocotó
1 liter of milk
700 grams of sugar
4 units of egg
1 coffee spoon of ground cinnamon (optional)
How to make Homemade Mocotó Candy:
To prepare mocotó candy, also called motocó jelly, the first step is to clean the mocotó and cook in the pan (preferably pressure cooker) until the nerve separates from the bone.
After the previous step, let it warm to remove the bones and beat the rest very well in a blender, along with the milk.
Place this mocotó jelly mixture on the fire with the sugar and cinnamon, and cook until just cut.
Add the beaten and sifted eggs, and mix well to incorporate (if the jelly cuts, just beat in a blender). Transfer to a mold lined with plastic wrap, allow to cool and set aside in the refrigerator, to set.
Your homemade mocotó jelly is ready! As it is prepared at home, it is not the same as what you buy in stores, but it is free of additives and colorings. Try it out and leave your opinion in the comments!
If you liked the homemade mocotó candy recipe, we suggest you enter our Candy and Candy Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the pork carapulcra recipe/ roasted milk recipe/ recipe for roasted milk with condensed recipe/ peruvian bread pudding recipe/ recipe for roasted milk in bain marie.
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